Choose Your Self!
The project adds an extra consentful page to project 6 which would allow people to have a chance to choose if they want to allow the camera access or not. The logic here is to have the front page - allow or deny access of the camera - goes the actual filter when allowing or the end page when denying.
Design Process
The graphic and layout of this consentful page design is simple. I used the barber graphic for the beginning page since the filter is about haircut. The page ask for the allowance of access gives the audience choices of either enter the filter or not. If the player decided to get in, they will be transferred to the next scene about the camera filter. If not, they will get into the end page which at the same time ends the program.
I first used switch cases for these different scenes, and wrote the class for the button interctive function. But it gets to complicated and did not work as I thought. So I changed to simply just use "if...else if.." to transfer through each scenes so the trigger of each function works better.
There is something I still not able to figure out is that, the consentful page of camera still jumped out first once I started to run the program, but by clicking on the no button I created, it would still go to the end page instead of the camera. But I realize that the camera would still be accessed even if I don't see the page.
The process of asking for access, in other words, give the consents on the internet is very significant in today's world. Combining with the idea of survilliance and anti-survilliance, we have to be careful with the consentful pages on the websites. In my own exxperience, some of them are very tricky. I find them on some websites, usually when they ask you for access to your personal information or camera, there are some tiny words at the bottom which people don't usually notice that include the range of the level of access. We might be given out our personal data when we don't even realize.
While I was working on this project, I realized the consenful page could be designed in a way people don't realize or notice the results. Personal, I don't even read the contents when I need to get access to something in a rush. I believe that many people do the same thing like me. I will be more careful with anything that asks for access to my local data in the future.